
Breaking Ground in Business

News - Nov 15, 2021

Eloise Anderson will be graduating from Grace this year with flying colours having already achieved a First in Place in Business, high results in her Legal Studies, a Certificate III in Business, a Diploma in Business, as well as an Advanced Diploma in Business.

On top of all that, this outstanding student has also enrolled in a Certificate IV in Assessment & Training, to be completed before she starts full-time University next year. While completing her university studies, Eloise will also be taking up a teaching position with a private RTO to teach the Business Certificate course she herself completed!

We chatted to this highflyer about how her interest in the business world started, and what she’s looking forward to most next year.

Hi Eloise, thanks for talking to GLC News about your journey so far and what you’re planning after school!

Tell us about your interest in Business and Legal Studies. How did you find yourself pursing these subjects, was it something that started in Middle School?

My family have a strong business background through my parents, grandparents and great grandparents owning businesses, so I have been surrounded with it my whole life. I was first introduced to business education in year 9 with Mrs Harrod-Eagles, and quickly learnt that I had a talent and passion for it which I knew I wanted to pursue. In year 10 I was introduced to Legal Studies, in which I scored my first ever A+ in the first term and knew instantly that I had a love for both the Australian legal system and international legal systems. Mrs Lummis, further helped me grow and solidify business knowledge and applications in years 11 and 12, not only guiding me through the QCAA business syllabus, but also deepening the joy I have for the subject.

Was there a particular moment, excursion or piece of assessment that confirmed in your mind the path you were on in regard to your subject choices?

When I started my certificate III in business in Year 10, I really saw my passion and fire for business begin to light, as I quickly learned and completed all the work that allowed me to complete the course in one year (and of course with the help and guidance of the amazing Mrs. Salmon!). I also worked in retail for 3 years in a global company called Lovisa, and a smaller domestic company called Little JC, in which I was fortunate to be able to analyse what worked really well for each business and what did not. This is experience and education that I encourage every student to go out and learn. Working for these companies allowed me to apply what I learnt in business during school to real-world scenarios in my part-time jobs. This grew my understanding and passion for business substantially.

What’s been a highlight for you during your senior school years at the College?

Definitely, every time I completed one of the courses I was doing at the time and achieving first in subject for business in Year 12.

Tell us about the opportunity you’ve been given next year. You enrolled in a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, and then were subsequently offered a job, starting in January 2022, to teach a Certificate in Business course is that correct?

I was told by my current Legal Studies teacher, Mrs Harrod-Eagles, that I could complete a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and teach the courses I have completed at RTO’s. I plan on completing my Cert IV in TAE by end of December to begin work in January/ February in the field that I’m passionate about.

Which Provider is the teaching position with and how did that come about?

The teaching position will be with a private RTO that will enable me to work flexible hours so I can also study a double degree next year.

We understand that the Certificate IV in Training & Assessment is to be completed before you start full-time university studies next year? 

Why was it important to you to complete this additional course during a period when most Year 12s will be relaxing before their next step in life?

I wish to get ahead in life and by doing that I need to work hard and take every opportunity that is given to me (like the Cert IV). I wish to take advantage of my youthful years to work for my goals in life. I also believe that time is the most valuable thing you will have in life and want to use it well.

 How are you feeling about teaching a course? Will this be your first-time in a teaching role?

Yes, this will be my first time ever ‘teaching’. I will be employed to answer student’s questions, train students and mark assessments. I am excited for this new chapter in my life, working in an RTO as I feel as I am very familiar with VET qualifications and want to encourage everyone to complete VET qualifications after understanding just how valuable they can be.

You must be excited to start your university experience. What university are you studying through and what course will you be studying? 

I am incredibly excited to go to university. It’s so close now! I plan to be studying a double degree of business and law in 2022. I am not sure what university I will be attending right now. However, I do have a guaranteed offer for QUT due to the high selection rank (ATAR) I have acquired from working my way up to an advanced diploma of business, which is a 93

You’ll have a lot to manage once that all commences next year, have you been given some good advice from your teachers at the College on how to manage your time?

I have always been good at time management ever since I was in year 7. This was definitely key to being able to achieve everything I have in senior school and is something I encourage all students to learn. Having a routine ready for when you enter year 11 and 12 is really important to performing well in ATAR and completing VET qualifications. I have instead been reminded quite often by my teachers to have a break and rest which is also so important in achieving your goals as it will allow you to perform at your best.

Lastly, any words of wisdom for younger students at the College maybe wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Never take no for an answer when working for your goals and work hard! It will only benefit you and is incredibly rewarding when you accomplish something you have had to put long hours in to get!

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